Stand: 2021-10-24
League Overview |
League Leaders |
Team Ranking | Highs & Lows:
Team Ranking 2. Bundesliga Südost
Offense Batting Average
Slugging Percentage
On-Base Percentage
On-Base Plus Slugging
Runs Scored
Walk Ratio (highest)
Strikeout Ratio (lowest)
Hit By Pitch
Sacrifice Flies
Sacrifice Hits
Percentage of Baserunners Stranded
Stolen Bases
Stolen Base Percentage
Different Starting Lineups Used
Weighted Average Age
Under-21 Players
Defense Fielding Percentage
Passed Balls
Runners Caught Stealing
Caught Stealing Average
Pitching Earned Run Average
Earned Run Average Starting Pitchers
Earned Run Average Relief Pitchers
Strikeouts per Inning (most)
Walks per Inning (fewest)
Strikeout to Walk Ratio
Baserunners per Inning (fewest)
Opponents Batting Average (lowest)
Runs Allowed
Homeruns allowed
Hit Batsmen
Wild Pitches
Batters Faced
Innings Pitched
IP by Starters
Complete Games
Unearned Runs
Weighted Average Age
Under-21 Players
Key to abbreviations: Offense AVG: Batting Average; AB: At Bats; H: Hits; HR: Home Runs; R: Runs scored; SLG: Slugging Percentage; TB: Total Bases; 1B: Singles; 2B: Doubles; 3B: Triples; HR: Home Runs; TB/H: Total Bases per Hit (average "length" of team's hits); OBP: On-Base Percentage; BB: Bases on Balls (Walks); HP: Times Hit by a Pitch; SF: Sacrifice Flies; OPS: On-Base Plus Slugging; R: Runs scored; R-: Runs allowed; diff: Run difference; BB/PA: Walks per Plate Appearance; PA: Plate Appearance; K: Strikeouts; K/AB: Strikeouts per At Bat; SH: Sacrifice Hits (Bunts); LOB%: Percentage of stranded baserunners (calculated as LOB/[R+LOB]); LOB: Leoft On Base;; SB: Stolen Bases; Att: Steal Attempts; SBP: Stolen Base Percentage; Age: Weighted Average Age calculated by multiplying each player's age on 1st of July times their total PA divided by the total of PA for the team; Under-21 Players: Percentage of Plate Appearances of players aged 21 years or younger Defense FLD: Fielding Percentage; PO: Putouts; A: Assists; E: Errors; DP: Double Plays; PB: Passed Balls; CS: Runners Caught Stealing; Att.: Steal Attempts; CSA: Caught Stealing Average Pitching ERA: Earned Run Average; W: Wins; L: Losses; IP: Innings Pitched; ER: Earned Runs; R: Runs; K: Strikeouts; BB: Bases on Balls (Walks); K/BB: Strikeout to Walk ratio; CG: Complete Games; S: Saves; K/IP: Strikeouts per Inning Pitched; BB/IP: Walks per Inning Pitched; WHIP: Baserunners per Inning Pitched [(BB+H)/IP]; BF/IP: Batters faced per Inning Pitched; OAVG: Opponents Batting Average; AB: official At Bats against; ER/R: Ratio of Earned Runs to total runs allowed; HB: Hit Batsmen; WP: Wild Pitches; PCT: Winning percentage; IP%: Percentage of Innings Pitched by starters; IP SP: Innings pitched by Starting Pitchers; IP RP: Innings pitched by Relief Pitchers; G: Games; CG: Complete Games; Sho: Shutouts; UER: Uneraned Runs; UERA: Unearned Run Average; Age: Weighted Average Age calculated by multiplying each player's age on 1st of July times their Innings Pitched divided by the team's total IP; Under-21 Players: Percentage of Innings Pitched of players aged 21 years or younger |
League Overview |
League Leaders |
Team Ranking | Highs & Lows: