DBV Bundesliga
1. Baseball Bundesliga
2. Baseball Bundesliga
Softball Bundesliga
Statistiken Deutscher Baseball und Softball Verband 

Stand: 2019-09-22

James Zanotti #46

Bad Homburg Hornets

Nation.: USA

Geburtsort/ Birthplace:

Geburtstag/ DOB: 1977-06-04

Alter/ Age: 42


AVG|James Zanotti| .260
|League Average| .279
|League Leader: Marcel Schulz (MAI)| .581
OPS|James Zanotti| .641
|League Average| .762
|League Leader: Marcel Schulz (MAI)| 1.414
HR|James Zanotti| 1 (t4)
|League Average| 0.4
|League Leader: Treg Haberkorn (HUN)| 5
RBI|James Zanotti| 3 (t86)
|League Average| 14.1
|League Leader: Marcel Schulz (MAI)| 30
|Player| Player  |League Avg.| League Avg.  |League Leader| League Leader


19.05. G1DAWL3-16120000000000 .000 .000 .000.000
19.05. G2DAWL9-12120000000000 .000 .000 .000.000
30.06. G2@HUNL1-6231000001100 .000 .000 .125.125
07.07. G1MAIL3-14220100001100 .111 .111 .273.384
07.07. G2MAIL8-17940000000200 .077 .077 .200.277
14.07. G1@DAWL3-12 (9)141200001100 .176 .176 .300.476
14.07. G2@DAWL5-11140000000100 .143 .143 .250.393
21.07. G1MATL4-9 (9)141100001200 .160 .160 .276.436
21.07. G2MATL4-10241200000000 .207 .207 .303.510
28.07. G1@FRAL7-9 (9)141200120100 .242 .333 .316.649
28.07. G2@FRAL3-13 (5)121000001100 .229 .314 .317.631
04.08. G1@MAIL1-11 (8)140100000200 .231 .308 .311.619
04.08. G2@MAIL4-13140100010000 .233 .302 .306.608
18.08. G1@HEHL3-10 (9)141300000110 .277 .340 .340.680
18.08. G2@HEHL0-10 (6)130000000000 .260 .320 .321.641
vs. HEH (2)71300000110 .429 .429 .429.857
vs. MAT (2)82300001200 .375 .375 .444.819
vs. FRA (2)62200121200 .333 .833 .3751.208
vs. MAI (4)140300011500 .214 .214 .267.481
vs. DAW (4)121200001200 .167 .167 .231.397
vs. HUN (1)31000001100 .000 .000 .250.250
homegames (6)182400002500 .222 .222 .300.522
awaygames (9)325900133810 .281 .375 .333.708
Totals 50713001351310 .260 .320 .321.641


19.05. G1DAWL3-16RF1000 
19.05. G2DAWL9-12RF3010 .800
30.06. G2@HUNL1-6RF1000 .833
07.07. G1MAIL3-14RF0000 .833
07.07. G2MAIL8-17RF5000 .909
14.07. G1@DAWL3-12 (9)LF0000 .909
14.07. G2@DAWL5-11LF0000 
 2B0000 .909
21.07. G1MATL4-9 (9)RF0000 .909
21.07. G2MATL4-10RF0100 .917
28.07. G1@FRAL7-9 (9)RF0000 .917
28.07. G2@FRAL3-13 (5)RF2000 .929
04.08. G1@MAIL1-11 (8)LF0000 .929
04.08. G2@MAIL4-13RF0100 .933
18.08. G1@HEHL3-10 (9)2B5100 .952
18.08. G2@HEHL0-10 (6)2B2100 .958
Totals 19410 .958

Fielding by Position

2nd Baseman3216.272004.861.000DNQ
Leftfield3318.200000.00 -----
Centerfield103.000000.00 -----
Rightfield101059.2122102.11 .933--
Outfield total131381.1122101.55 .93314

Keine Einsätze als Pitcher. Did not pitch.

Key to abbreviations:
Player age calculated for July 1st of year
Barchart: league average for HR, RBI, K calculated using only players that meet qualification requirements (minimum PA/IP) for league championship in AVG/ERA
BO: Position in Batting Order; AB: At Bats; R: Runs Scored; H: Hits; 2B: Doubles; 3B: Triples; HR: Home Runs; RBI: Runs Batted In; BB: Bases on Balls (Walks); K: Strikeouts; SB: Stolen Bases; CS: Caught Stealing; AVG: Batting Average; SLG: Slugging Percentage; OBP: On-base Percentage; OPS: On-base Plus Slugging; ranking t: tied with other player(s); DNQ: does not qualify
Pos.: Defensive Position(s); PO: Putouts; A: Assists; E: Errors; DP: Double Plays; PB: Passed Balls; SB: Stolen Bases against (Catcher); CS: Runners Caught Stealing; FLD: Fielding Percentage (all positions); CSA: Caught Stealing Average; ranking t: tied with other player(s); DNQ: does not qualify


| © Deutscher Baseball & Softball Verband e.V. 2005 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten |