DBV Bundesliga
1. Baseball Bundesliga
2. Baseball Bundesliga
Softball Bundesliga
Statistiken Deutscher Baseball und Softball Verband 

Stand: 2016-07-30

Joe Cedano de Leon #32

Bad Homburg Hornets

Nation.: GER

Geburtsort/ Birthplace:

Geburtstag/ DOB: 2000-01-13

Alter/ Age: 16


AVG|Joe Cedano de Leon| 1.000
|League Average| .261
|League Leader: Thomas de Wolf (MAI)| .435
OPS|Joe Cedano de Leon| 2.000
|League Average| .715
|League Leader: Thomas de Wolf (MAI)| 1.762
HR| 0
|League Average| 1.6
|League Leader: Thomas de Wolf (MAI)| 10
RBI| 0
|League Average| 15.2
|League Leader: Maximilian Boldt (MAI)| 41
|Player| Player  |League Avg.| League Avg.  |League Leader| League Leader


16.07. G2MAIL3-148101000000001.0001.0001.0002.000
vs. MAI (1)101000000001.0001.0001.0002.000
homegames (1)101000000001.0001.0001.0002.000
Totals 101000000001.0001.0001.0002.000

Keine Einsätze in der Defense. Did not play in the field.

Keine Einsätze als Pitcher. Did not pitch.

Key to abbreviations:
Player age calculated for July 1st of year
Barchart: league average for HR, RBI, K calculated using only players that meet qualification requirements (minimum PA/IP) for league championship in AVG/ERA
BO: Position in Batting Order; AB: At Bats; R: Runs Scored; H: Hits; 2B: Doubles; 3B: Triples; HR: Home Runs; RBI: Runs Batted In; BB: Bases on Balls (Walks); K: Strikeouts; SB: Stolen Bases; CS: Caught Stealing; AVG: Batting Average; SLG: Slugging Percentage; OBP: On-base Percentage; OPS: On-base Plus Slugging; ranking t: tied with other player(s); DNQ: does not qualify


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