Bundesliga |
Statistiken Deutscher Baseball und Softball Verband |
Stand: 2008-09-27
League Overview |
Highs & Lows:
1. Bundesliga Playoffs
XLS file | XML file | CSV-files: offense defense pitcher Head to head
List of games
Key to abbreviations: Offense: PA: Plate Appearances; AB: At Bats; H: Hits; 2B: Doubles; 3B: Triples; HR: Home Runs; R: Runs Scored; RBI: Runs Batted In; K: Strikeouts; BB: Bases On Balls (Walks); IBB: Intentional Bases On Balls ; HP: Times Hit By A Pitch; SF: Sacrifice Flies; SH: Sacrifice Hits (Bunts); SB: Stolen Bases; CS: Caught Stealing; AVG: Batting Average; SLG: Slugging Percentage; OBP: On-base Percentage; OPS: On-base Plus Slugging Defense: PO: Putouts; A: Assists; E: Errors; DP: Double Plays; PB: Passed Balls; SB: Stolen Bases against (Catcher); CS: Runners Caught Stealing (by Catchers); FLD: Fielding Percentage; CSA: Caught Stealing Average Pitching: IP: Innings Pitched; BF: Batters Faced; H: Hits; HR: Homeruns; R: Runs; ER: Earned Runs; K: Strikeouts; BB: Bases on Balls (Walks); IBB: Intentional Bases On Balls ; HB: Hit Batsmen; WP: Wild Pitches; W: Wins; L: Losses; S: Saves; ERA: Earned Run Average (9 Innings); K/IP: Strikeouts per Inning Pitched; WHIP: Baserunners per Inning Pitched [(BB+H)/IP]; OAVG: Opponents Batting Average
League Overview |
Highs & Lows:
| © Deutscher Baseball & Softball Verband e.V. 2005 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten | |